Never Give Up

18 Dec 2019


Coding has never been a strong topic for me during my years in University. My first class of coding really made an impact on me, but not in a good way. It seemed like whatever I did, my code wouldn’t function correctly. I told myself that I would stay away from coding as much as possible. But to my surprise, I ended up majoring in computer engineering. Now I’m glad that I didn’t fully give up on coding. For those that are discouraged in coding, here are my reasons why I didn’t give up.

Very Useful

There’s so much that a person can do with coding. Coding can do things such as filter through a list of items, build websites, and even controlling all forms of technology around us. A person that knows how to code can make their life very simple. Daily tasks, such as setting up automatic reminders or have files organized right away, could be done in a matter of seconds. There’s so much more that can be done with coding. It just takes some thought on what you want to do with it.


Speaking of how useful coding is in general, knowing how to code can provide great jobs. Coding can land you with a position in cyber security, web development, and many more. Not only are these jobs great, but there are a lot of companies that are looking for people that can code. What’s also great about jobs that involves coding is that you could work anywhere you want, so long as you have a computer and internet connection. You could work at home and still make money. This allows people with families to stay home and watch the kids while making the money to pay the bills.

Critical Thinking

When you start to learn how to code, it changes the way you approach a problem. Coding teaches people how to observe the situation and break it down into smaller and easier tasks. This method allows people to come up with creative solutions for a problem. Sometimes you may end up finding a simpler method than the one that you currently use.

Confidence and Resilience

Coding to me was a confidence killer when I first started to learn. I would get stuck on something and give up right away. I always thought that I wouldn’t be able to learn because it’s too hard. This lowered my confidence a lot. The best method for coding is to get back up and try again. The truth is anyone can code, but it’s up to them to keep trying when things get tough. If you ever get stuck, you can always ask people for help. There are so many people that are willing to help you. Everyone knows how tough coding can be, which is why they’re willing to help you out. They will help you see what you can do to improve your code, and help you get right back up on your feet. When you start to see your code working, you’ll start to boost your confidence. So long as you don’t give up, you can become a great coder.


Coding is a great tool that anybody could learn. It may be hard to learn, but it’s not impossible. There’s so much that could be done with coding, and there’s a lot of benefits to it as well. With the amount of companies that are looking for coders, you won’t have a hard time finding a job. Coding teaches you how to think critically and raises your confidence in problem solving. I thought that I would ever code again after my first experience with coding, but I never gave up and started to boost my coding skills. Now I’m glad to say that I stuck to it and I am always willing to learn more about coding. It doesn’t matter what language you choose to learn, so long as you don’t give up you could become a great coder yourself.oding can be a difficult skill to learn. It was through JavaScript that I learned that coding isn’t so bad. With a lot of practice and challenges, I was able to improve my coding tremendously. Not only will JavaScript be a useful tool in the future, but it will help me adapt a new language. Coding will still be difficult to learn, but now I know that it’s not so bad after all.